Sardines and Crackers

Years ago I heard a story about a man named Bernard. For many months he saved his money to purchase a ticket on a passenger ship traveling from Europe to America. The price of the ticket was so expensive it left little money for him to buy food for his journey across the ocean. So instead of packing clothes to begin his new life in America, Bernard filled his suitcase with sardines and crackers.

While the other passengers enjoyed hearty meals in the beautiful dining room he ate his sardines and crackers all alone in a corner of the ship. On the last day of the voyage a crewmember asked him about this.

“I noticed you never joined the other passengers in the dining room for meals, and I wondered why,” the crewmember said.
Embarrassed, Bernard said, “I didn’t have enough money to eat in the dining room. I only had enough money for the ticket.”

“I’m sorry no one told you. It’s such a shame you didn’t know. All the meals and everything you needed for the voyage was included in the price of the ticket.”

I think Bernard choked on his sardines right about then. I like sardines but the thought of eating them for three meals a day, month after month bothers my stomach.

Bernard’s ticket included many benefits that he might have enjoyed had he known about them. I wonder how many of God’s kids are missing out on Everything Jesus Died To Give Us because they aren’t aware of what God included with the price of salvation.

“According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye MIGHT be partakers of the divine nature . . .” (2 Peter 1:3,4 emphasis mine).

We don’t have to be satisfied with sardines and crackers. We don’t have to just get by. Jesus came that we might have abundant life. That includes good health and healing, victory and prosperity, family and friends. It’s everything that pertains to life and godliness right here in this life. It’s all included in the price of the ticket. But those things don’t fall into our lap. They come through the knowledge of knowing what belongs to us.

What are your needs? What is your hope for the future? Are you seeing the greatest desires of your heart fulfilled? Do you know what great and precious promises Jesus died to give you?
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou has rejected knowledge . . .” (Hosea 4:6).

Don’t miss out on what Jesus died to give you. Don’t let another’s misunderstanding of healing or prosperity steal the promise from you.
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